
Expert meeting for tutors of art theory, 25 November 2011

What is the position of art theory in contemporary art education? And what may be expected from it? These are the central question at a conference of  Dutch and Flemish theory tutors in art education at the the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KABK) in The Hague on 25 November 2011.
(Language: Dutch)
The speakers are Steven ten Thije (1980, NL,) conservator of research at the Van Abbe Museum; artist duo Elodie Hiryczuk (1977, FR) and Sjoerd van Oevelen (1974, NL); Pascal Gielen (1970, BE), art sociologist at the University of Groningen/Fontys Hogeschool Tilburg; and visual artist Wendelien van Oldenborch (1962, NL)
For more information or reservations see: Dag van de Theorie
The conference is organised by Lectoraat 'Kunsttheorie en de Artistieke Pratkijk'